Wisdom teeth removal at Moama Dental

It's a usual practice in dentistry to remove wisdom teeth when they are troublesome. Our team of experienced clinicians can help you through this process with the least amount of discomfort and stress.

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What are wisdom teeth and how can they be a problem?

The 3rd molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are the last teeth to erupt in both the upper and lower jaws. Wisdom teeth in most cases can erupt normally and cause no major issues. However, in some cases, wisdom teeth can be troublesome when they grow sideways, push on the adjacent tooth, grow partially or never emerge properly through the gum. One of the major reasons for this can be due to the size of the jaw being too small to accommodate all the teeth. In addition, due to the location of these wisdom teeth and difficulty in reaching them, it can be hard to brush and floss to keep them clean and can cause them to decay.

Tilted or inclined wisdom teeth can have a flap of gum over them which can act as a food trap. This can cause the gums around the wisdom tooth to get inflamed or infected, known as pericoronitis. The food trap can also lead to cavities. Sometimes a tilted wisdom tooth can push on the adjacent tooth and can cause cavities in that tooth as well. Swelling, pain, inflammation, and difficulty in opening the mouth are some of the most common symptoms associated with troublesome wisdom teeth. The pain that wisdom teeth might cause is the biggest concern for most people. One of the common treatment options in such scenarios is the removal/extraction of wisdom teeth.


How can impacted wisdom teeth cause problems?

Each tooth has a chamber that is filled with its own blood and nerve supply known as the pulp. It is the pulp that keeps the tooth vital/alive. Any damage to or infection in the pulp can cause irreversible harm to the nerve and the tooth. This may lead to a range of signs and symptoms. Sometimes there might be no symptoms that a tooth needs root canal therapy.


  • An infection can begin around the top of the tooth when impacted wisdom teeth begin to push through the gums.
  • Infection and inflammation can result in jaw stiffness, discomfort, and oedema.
  • Aggressive infection from the teeth can quickly spread to the facial spaces and obstruct the airway.

Damage To Nearby Molars

  • Cysts, which are sacks of fluid that can develop around a tooth and cause the tooth to shift, are possible.
  • Food pack can lead to caries of the wisdom tooth and also of the adjacent tooth.


  • Some orthodontists believe that the wisdom tooth has the potential to move teeth in front of them out of alignment and crowd the front teeth.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If left untreated, these troublesome wisdom teeth may cause pain and necessitate further extensive dental procedures. The signs of problematic wisdom teeth are listed as follows

  • Food pack beneath the flap of gum above the wisdom tooth
  • Pain that radiates through the jaw and ear
  • Chronic bad breath due to partially erupted wisdom teeth
  • Pockets in the gum around the wisdom teeth area
  • Caries
  • Recurring infections

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process At Moama Dental Clinic

When you visit our dentist for wisdom teeth removal, they will take an x-ray/CBCT to assess the issue and determine the safety and proximity of the anatomical structures like sinus, nerves, etc before planning the surgery.

Our dentist will suggest a course of action that works for you based on your particular circumstances. A local anesthetic can be used to treat a straightforward case of wisdom tooth extraction right away. However, if getting the treatment done in the chair while awake is not something you fancy then you can be sedated by our anesthetist and the dentist can complete the treatment while you are asleep.

Have Questions About Your Dental Care?

We are here to help. If you are suffering from a wisdom tooth problem, stop procrastinating. Take the first step and call us now to resolve the dental issues. Our experienced team of clinicians are very empathetic and patient. They will listen to your concerns and help you get out of pain and solve most of your dental concerns.

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Why Choose Us for Your Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Many people from Rochester, Moama, and surrounding areas prefer, and recommend Moama Dental Clinics for wisdom tooth removal as their first choice. We are known for providing the most professional dental care for both patients and tourists.

At our dental clinics, you’ll discover that

  • Our clinicians are incredibly patient, gentle, and empathetic.
  • We offer highly skilled dental care through the use of the latest tools & technologies with a gentle human touch.
  • Before offering recommendations for your wisdom teeth treatment, we take our time to get to know you and your concerns.
  • We do not rush any treatment and allow enough time for us to understand our patients’ problems
  • We give our patients all options, costs and answer any other queries that they might have related to their treatment to allow them to make an educated and independent decision.

Have issues with your wisdom teeth?

Make an appointment with us if your third molars are bothering you or if you simply want to have them examined to see if extraction is necessary.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wisdom tooth removal painful?

Modern local anesthetics work very well to numb the jaw to ensure the least discomfort during the treatment. Our patients have an option of doing the treatment under local anesthetic in the chair or under general anesthetic at our clinic. The duration of tooth removal will vary depending on the complexity of the surgery.

We at Moama Dental Clinic are sensitive to your anxiety and take every step to ensure that the entire procedure is painless and uncomplicated.

How long does recovery from wisdom tooth removal take?

The recovery period after having your wisdom tooth or teeth removed can last from a couple of days to up to two weeks. Swelling, bruising, and pain should be expected after any surgery. This may be more severe for the first few days before gradually getting better. Gently applying a cold towel to your face will help reduce the pain and swelling. Pain relief medication will be prescribed after the surgery.

How should I get ready for my wisdom teeth extraction?

Getting ready for a wisdom tooth extraction

  • Stop smoking 24 hours before the surgery
  • If on any blood thinners, consult with your dentist and your doctors about stopping them before the surgery. The timing of stopping depends on the kind of medication and is best decided by your doctors.
  • Let the dentist know about your alcohol and other substance use.
  • Ensure to take time off work or school following the surgery for at least 3-4 days.

What would happen if a wisdom tooth is not removed?

While not all people require their wisdom teeth to be removed, complications can arise in some cases if a troublesome wisdom tooth is not extracted. Swelling, pain, the spread of infection into the sinus spaces, airway obstruction, and Ludwig's angina are some of the complications that can occur due to wisdom tooth infection.

Why choose us?

At Moama Dental Clinic, we understand that every patient is unique and we strive to tailor our treatments to meet your individual needs and concerns. We believe that patient education is key to maintaining good oral health and we will take the time to explain all treatment options and answer any questions you may have.

We invite you to browse our website to learn more about our practice and the services we offer. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for considering Moama Dental Clinic for your dental care needs.


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